Coroutines and Qt

One of the major new features in C++20 are coroutines. In this short series of blog posts I want to look at what C++ coroutines are, how they work and, finally, how to use coroutines with Qt.


Let me start with a short teaser. Let’s say we want to do a network request using QNetworkAccessManager. Using the standard Qt signal/slot approach, our code would look something like this:

void MyClass::fetchData()
    auto *nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
    auto *reply = nam->get(getUrl());
    connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this,
            [nam, reply]() {
                const auto data = reply->readAll();


Now let’s write the very same thing using coroutines:

task<> MyClass::fetchData()
    QNetworkAccessManager nam;
    auto *reply = co_await nam.get(getUrl());
    delete reply;

All the magic hides behind the co_await keyword here. For one, just the mere presence of that keywords turns out fetchData() function into a coroutine. When execution reaches the co_await keyword the coroutine is suspended and execution continues in the function that has called fetchData(). When the object that co_await is waiting for - in this case the QNetworkReply object - is ready, the execution of the coroutine is resumed and continues as if nothing has happened. That’s why we can do reply->readAll() seemingly immediately after calling QNetworkAccessManager::get(). The trick is that while the code is written immediatelly after the get(), it is not executed immediatelly as it would without the co_await keyword. Coroutines can help us to write code that looks like synchronous, but executes asynchronously.

Let me get back to one more cool thing about Qt and coroutines that may not be immediately obvious from what I wrote above: I said that when a coroutine is suspended, execution continues in a function that has called the coroutine (unless it is a coroutine as well, in which case the function that has called that coroutine is called and so on and so on). If fetchData() is called (directly or indirectly) from Qt’s event loop, when the coroutine is suspended the execution will return all the way up to the Qt’s event loop and the loop will continue to run, until the coroutine is resumed again. That means, that while your coroutine is suspended, the application remains responsive and can process other events in the Qt event loop.

You might also be wondering about the return type of the coroutine - why did it change from void to task<>. Let me just say that this is called the promise type and it wraps the true coroutine return type. I’ll describe that in more details in future blog posts.


If you just take the example above and throw it into your application, it won’t just work out of the box. C++ has no idea how to wait for QNetworkReply to finish. We need to provide some magical machinery that is executed behind the scenes when co_await is called. You will also need some implementation of the promise type, since there’s no such thing as task<> in C++ standard library.

As I’ve been playing around with coroutines and Qt, I’ve implemented some of the “behind the scenes machinery” to support co_await for QNetworkReply, QDBusPendingCall and QFuture. I plan to add some more in the near future, there are some more good co_awaitable candidates in Qt ;-)

The “behind the scenes” machinery is available as QCoro library on GitHub.

I am mentioning it here, because I will use that as a basis to explain how coroutines in C++ work. In the next part of the series I will talk about how to implement support for co_awaiting the QFuture type.
